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Impact of Testosterone Deficiency on Men and Women

Testosterone Deficiency

More people than ever before are looking for answers as to why they are storing fat, looking older than they should, losing interest in sex, running out of energy, and forgetting why they walked into a room. All of these issues may be answered by a simple blood test that measures testosterone levels to detect if a testosterone deficiency is present.

According to a 2007 report by ABC News, one in four men over the age of thirty have low testosterone levels. Thankfully, not all show the signs of Low T as only one in twenty have accompanying symptoms such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, weight gain, muscle mass decline, and trouble with memory and focus (among other things). Chances are that number has climbed significantly with the sheer amount of aging Baby Boomers in the past ten years.

It is unknown how many women suffer from testosterone decline, but if the warning signs are recognizable, a female dealing with menopausal symptom may be suffering from Low T.

What is testosterone deficiency and why does it occur?

Testosterone deficiency is a legitimate medical condition that stems from one of two issues:

  1. Not enough total testosterone in the bloodstream to support the needs of the body
  2. Enough total testosterone but not enough breaking free from sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to be put to use by the body’s tissues

In either situation, doctors may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy to increase the amount of available testosterone for the body to use.

A deficiency of testosterone is a natural occurrence that the body can adjust to – what is not natural is to have symptoms of physiological, mental, and emotional breakdowns such as loss of strength, impaired cognitive functions, and depression. When these changes begin to appear, it is time to undergo testing to see if you are a candidate for testosterone treatment.

Testosterone levels in men begin to decline after the age of thirty. For women, the change occurs during pre and full-onset menopause.

Effects of Testosterone Deficiency on Men

You may think that the main effects of testosterone deficiency in males include trouble achieving or maintaining an erection and lack of sexual desire. While these are often telltale symptoms of Low T, they are by far nowhere near the issues that will most likely occur once these problems become a reality in one’s life.

After puberty, the body no longer needs such a high amount of testosterone in the bloodstream, but it is still one of the most crucial hormones for men’s health as it contributes to red blood cell production, proper metabolic functions, brain and heart health, libido, and more.

The chart below highlights some of the primary concerns stemming from testosterone deficiency in men:

Low metabolism Increased abdominal fat Muscle mass decline
Loss of strength Lack of endurance Decreased energy
Memory concerns Poor concentration Impaired mental functions
High LDL cholesterol Increased triglycerides High blood pressure
Anemia Hair loss or thinning Aging appearance
Depression Anxiety Mood changes
Joint pains Loss of flexibility Reduced bone density
Decreased sex drive Erectile problems Lack of sexual pleasure
Hot flashes Night sweats Poor sleep

These issues also put a man more at risk of developing osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, obesity, sleep apnea, diabetes, and more.

It is easy to see how a person might lose self-image and suffer from a decreased quality of life. Motivation tends to disappear, and lack of productivity and performance on the job can lead to a loss of income.

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Testosterone Deficiency and the Female Body

Testosterone deficiency can take quite an unexpected toll on a woman’s body. The symptoms that a woman exhibits are not much different from those of a man. While a female may not have to worry about dealing with erectile dysfunction, she will face a significant decrease in vaginal secretions that lead to painful and unpleasant intercourse. Her libido will also begin to suffer.

During menopause, a woman’s ovaries stop producing progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. That is why we tend to see testosterone deficiency in females occurring at this time. The problem that we notice here at Kingsberg HRT Clinic is that too many of these women go straight to their gynecologists to get estrogen replacement therapy – often the wrong choice of treatment.

Why is estrogen not always the best option for menopausal women?

As the ovaries stop producing hormones, the focus shifts to the adrenal glands that still provide small amounts of these vital chemical messengers. The balance becomes lopsided as an enzyme called aromatase produced by belly fat seeks out any free testosterone it can find and turns it into estradiol. You now have a higher level of estrogen as compared to progesterone and testosterone –leading to a condition called estrogen dominance. The receipt of estrogen therapy further increases this situation rather than balancing the hormones.

It is important for a doctor to diagnose testosterone deficiency in women before prescribing any form of HRT, and that is why turning to a hormone specialist is always the best option.

For a free consultation and convenient diagnostic testing labs near you, please contact Kingsberg HRT Clinic today.