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Human Growth Hormone Injections Injectable HGH HGH Anti Aging Human Growth Hormone Growth Hormone Testosterone Replacement Therapy HGH Injections

Know the Reasons Why You Should Get a Prescription for HGH Injections Before You Call!

HGH Prescription Reasons

Although our society today has made it possible to get pretty much anything we want right away, it is crucial to slow down and engage in research that is informative and helpful before seeking HGH treatment for adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD). When you fully understand all the HGH prescription reasons as they relate to adults who are experiencing a severe drop in the amount of production of this vital chemical, you are better informed to make the right decision for your own life. Before seeking out the required blood testing that can verify this condition, let’s discuss more about what will be happening to the body during this time. The human body has well over 50 different chemical messengers (hormones) circulating throughout the system at some point during the day or night. Each one of these substances plays a significant role in how we function. Perhaps none is as widely recognized for its myriad of functions as somatotropin (growth hormone/GH). Also referred to as the “master hormone,” this crucial substance controls much more than the vertical growth it is known for in adolescents. The reasons to get an HGH prescription will become apparent as we review the many different functions this chemical plays a part in or controls. We will explore them all one by one, and as we do, it will become noticeable how one issue often times leads directly into another causing a chain effect of undesirable symptoms.

  • Sleep: Over the past 50 years, American adults have gone from averaging 8.0 – 8.9 hours of sleep each night to 6.9 – 7.0 hours. Many people report even less (5 – 6 hours). The “master” endocrine organ – the pituitary gland – is markedly influenced by the amount of sleep that is received. As we explore the reasons for being prescribed HGH, it will become clear how important it is to increase the amount of time in bed at night. Nearly half of the daily secretion of growth hormone takes place during early, deep slow-wave sleep. Aside from reducing the period of time available for this occurrence to take place, the natural pulsatile bursts of GH that happen may be split into smaller pulses, exposing the peripheral tissues to higher levels of this chemical for an extended period of time. The anti-insulin effects of GH could have an adverse impact on glucose tolerance, increasing the risk of development of type 2 diabetes – another reason for the need for HGH injections. Another serious issue is that partial sleep loss also raises the early evening levels of the stress hormone cortisol which should be decreasing at night to allow for proper rest. Elevations of cortisol at night also contribute to the development of insulin resistance which is a risk factor in diabetes and obesity. An increase in cortisol makes it difficult to relax and fall into deep slow-wave sleep. Among the reasons HGH is prescribed to adults is to help improve sleep and prevent the distinctive changes in its quality that also characterize the transitions from early adulthood to middle age and on to old age. This same decline in the hours of rest at night is directly related to an increase in chemical messengers that stimulate hunger. A tired body will need increased calories during the day to stay awake and maintain functions. Increased calories signal an increase in weight and fat storage that could, in turn, lead to obesity.

The Reasons for Getting an HGH Prescription from a Doctor can Effect Overall Health

In the previous section, we touched briefly on possible weight gain due to a shortage of growth hormone as it is affected by the lack of sleep. The chemicals responsible for hunger are stimulated, increasing the amount of calories that are consumed. What are the reasons for HGH prescription in this area in addition to those previously mentioned? Metabolic functioning of the body is also changed when a shortage of this crucial chemical is present.

  • Metabolism: During the last 50 years, obesity rates have nearly doubled in this country. This corresponds directly with the decrease in sleep noted above. We know that GH is a primary stimulator of how the body metabolizes proteins, lipids (fats), and carbohydrates. It increases the overall rate of protein synthesis and lipid mobilization. Growth hormone stimulates the breakdown of fat cells surrounding the internal organs. It prevents the uptake of sugar in the fat cells to prevent further fat accumulation. Carbohydrate metabolism assists with the breakdown of glucose into usable energy. In addition, it decreases the rate of glucose mobilization which has been studied to show that 1 week of sleep deprivation in young, healthy males can result in a pre-diabetic state. A person with a “sluggish” metabolism will often be overweight and complain about low energy levels. Instead of converting food that is consumed into fuel, it becomes fat that is stored away for future use.

This leads us into the next of the reasons to buy HGH injections with a prescription from doctors who specialize in hormone replacement therapy.

  • Energy: The majority of adults who are diagnosed with AGHD present symptoms that include poor stamina or endurance for all daily activities, including work, exercise, and romance. Fatigue is a relatively constant occurrence that can benefit from HGH injections. Many people have reported at least one instance of maintaining difficulty staying awake behind the wheel of an automobile. This is a serious fact as more than 1,550 deaths, and 40,000 injuries each year can be attributed to drowsy driving. Fatigue is also responsible for propelling the energy drink industry to over $10 billion a year in sales. A person who is constantly tired will not be able to engage in exercise which is crucial for promoting heart health, stimulating the production of growth hormone during the day, and maintaining proper fat to lean muscle ratios. Remember the cycle of events we spoke about earlier how each symptom is interrelated with others in regards to the reasons for an HGH prescription? This is a perfect example of how sleep, metabolism, and energy all affect one another. This same lack of energy can easily keep a person from engaging in activities that he or she once enjoyed.

Discover the Reasons Doctors Prescribe HGH to Maintain Structural Integrity of the Body

Growth hormone is the only chemical messenger that exert its function directly on its target cells. It has many direct and indirect roles that it plays in the human body. One direct effect occurs when GH reaches its receptors in the liver where it stimulates the release of another crucial chemical called Insulin Growth Factor 1. As we examine under what reasons will doctors prescribe HGH, we find that if the signals received by the receptors in the liver are lower than what is required, a decrease in IGF-1 (shortened name) will also be seen. This is especially damaging when you consider the fact that IGF-1 and GH are crucial for the regeneration of new cells in the body. Let’s explore the way this can affect the structural integrity of the body.

  • Bones: This living tissue supports muscles, protects internal organs, and is the storage house for most of the body’s calcium. There is a remodeling process that is continually occurring where old bone is removed through resorption, and new bone is formed. This requires a continual supply of healthy new cells. If growth hormone secretion has decreased, the number of new cells to replace those that die off is also decreased. This can lead to an increased risk of osteoporosis. What are the reasons doctors will prescribe HGH to someone who is dealing with decreased bone density issues? Accidents later in life result in the death of one out of every five hip fracture patients within 12 months of the injury. One in three adults over 65 will fall each year. The cost for a fall requiring hospitalization is over $34 thousand in most cases. Even on the basic side of this hormonal decline, GH deficiency is responsible for structural stiffness and joint pains in many people, further reducing their quality of life.

Loss of bone is a frightening fact of life for many elderly men and women. It can rob a person of his or her independence. When researching the reasons to buy HGH injections with prescription, discovering facts such as these can change the way in which we view the entire aging process. If growth hormone deficiency is behind the symptoms being experienced, the ramifications of not receiving treatment can become quite serious.

  • Muscles: Cellular regeneration is just as vital here as it is for the skeletal system. Strength training can help maintain muscular integrity throughout life, but, someone who no longer exercises at all due to lack of endurance and energy will begin to experience problems in this area that can be benefited from HGH therapy. Low GH levels affect muscle cell growth in the protein filaments. Sarcopenia is a condition that occurs when the decrease causes an inability to maintain muscle function and mass that accompanies a gradual failure in the satellite cells that regenerate the skeletal muscle fibers. Although this is often viewed as a normal aspect of aging, the problems generated can create serious issues for adults in later years. Part of the reason to get an HGH prescription is to maintain muscular tone and mass to protect the skeletal structure and integrity of the body. This also assists with flexibility and free movement. Decreased strength is also associated with the loss of lean muscle mass that is seen in those dealing with growth hormone decline.

There are Many Symptoms that can Appear in Those Who Should be Prescribed HGH

As we continue to study the many changes in the body that can, and often do occur when this chemical imbalance is present, it becomes increasingly evident that the need for treatment is crucial. There are further symptoms when HGH should be prescribed to adults over thirty. These can affect cognitive and cardiac functions, as well.

  • Brain: All hormones act by binding to their own specific receptors that can be found on the surface of cells. In the brain, some of these receptors of growth hormone can be found densely distributed in the regions that are responsible for memory and learning. Those often diagnosed with low GH secretion frequently complain about changes in cognitive functions that may include the areas of concentration and focus, memory recall, processing and storage of new information, and completion of simple or complex mental tasks. Among the reasons that doctors prescribe HGH is to assist in strengthening cognitive functions. The fear of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia is very real for most adults as they age. This is perhaps one of the greatest ways we can lose our independence. Maintaining proper brain health relies on keeping a healthy supply of GH in the system each day. Most people receiving HGH treatment report an incredible improvement in focus, memory, and learning abilities within a very short time.

While we cannot stop the aging process with HGH injections, research has shown that this vital chemical can help us maintain a high level of functioning in most crucial areas of performance so long as it is kept in adequate supply. What are the symptoms of growth hormone deficiency as they relate to heart health? We often see high cholesterol numbers in those who are ultimately diagnosed with this condition. That is certainly not a good sign as cholesterol can clog one’s arteries. Let’s explore this area in depth.

  • Heart: Why is it that many people find it increasingly heard to engage in high-intensity exercise when they have this chemical decline? The heart loses its capacity for exercise. Left ventricular wall mass decreases, and there is also an increase in peripheral vascular resistance. Growth hormone and its counterpart IGF-1 enhance the intracellular availability of calcium for cardiac contractility and regulate the expression of contractile proteins necessary for pumping blood. Among patients that have suffered cardiac arrest or heart disease, many show symptoms of growth hormone deficiency such as aorta stiffness, high peripheral vascular resistance, and vessel intima-media thickness. Overall impaired cardiac performance is often noted. That is why receiving HGH treatment goes a long way in improving left ventricular wall mass, exercise capacity, and all the other issues shown in this section.

A Doctor Specializing in Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescribes HGH for Many Reasons

There are clearly many different body functions that rely upon a healthy supply of growth hormone being secreted by the pituitary gland each day. The internal benefits do not stop with the heart and brain. What are the reasons doctors give HGH prescriptions for other bodily functions not yet mentioned? Believe it or not, we are not even halfway through the list of changes that can occur in those dealing with this deficiency.

  • Internal Organs: The liver is not the only beneficiary of this crucial chemical, although the other organs do not secrete additional hormones such as IGF-1 in response to this process. The way in which the other internal organs benefit is from the cellular regeneration that occurs. All organs require new cells to replace those that die off as part of a continual process that occurs in the body. Among the many symptoms for an HGH prescription are any changes in the performance of these organs. We can see problems occurring with digestion as many internal organs play a role in that process. This is due to the shrinkage that occurs when there are not enough new cells available to maintain proper structural support.
  • Sexual Performance: Growth hormone also plays a role in maintaining sexual desire, arousal, and performance. Most people who are diagnosed with decreased GH production report that they have some type of interference in this area. It can be as mild as a reduced desire for sexual relations to something as severe as erectile dysfunction in men. Women may be dealing with vaginal dryness and decreased pleasure that can accompany menopause. What will a doctor prescribe HGH injections for when these problems occur? One of the first things that will be examined in addition to GH levels is testosterone secretion. This is another key player in this area for both men and women. In some cases, people may be deficient in both of these hormones. Blood analysis is used to make this determination. Adults receiving HGH therapy typically report positive changes in sexual performance and pleasure.

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Know the Visual Signs that are Among the Reasons that Doctors Prescribe HGH Injections

At this point, we have only discussed some of the changes taking place below the skin’s surface when an adult is dealing with a decline in growth hormone production. Now it is time to look at what we can see with our eyes – although a quick note to point out here is that both night vision and eyesight may also decline when low GH levels are present. Among the reasons that doctors give prescriptions for HGH are changes that occur to our skin and hair. Nails also become brittle and chip or break easily. Let’s explore the first two in more detail.

  • Skin: As the largest organ in the body, the skin requires a continual supply of new cells to replace those that die off each day. All it takes is running your fingernail across the surface of your arm to see how this process occurs. Collagen, the very substance that keeps us looking young, will see a severe reduction in those dealing with a decline in growth hormone secretion. Among the doctor prescribed HGH reasons that we see every day is the desire to maintain a youthful appearance. This does not mean that a seventy-five-year-old will look as though he or she is twenty, but it will also mean that a forty-five-year-old does not have to appear to be sixty. As collagen levels dry up or subside, the appearance of cellulite increases. We also see an abundance of lines and wrinkles on the face, arms, and neck. Sagging of the skin also becomes evident. HGH therapy will increase collagen and begin to reverse these negative effects, providing a more youthful appearance in a range of ten to twenty years for most people.

Among some of the other appearance reasons for a prescription of HGH, we see changes associated with body image. This is due to increased weight and decreased lean muscle mass – both discussed earlier in this article. The physical changes do not stop there.

  • Hair: Just as with the skin, hair growth and structure also needs new cells. There are three different phases here to know – anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), and telogen (resting). After a bulb forms in the base of the follicle, living cells divide and grow to build the shaft. Blood vessels deliver hormones and nourish the cells. When a doctor prescribes HGH injections, it helps with this process. Each hair will spend several years in the growth phase of anagen. Once slowing begins, catagen will last for a few weeks as the follicle shrinks. During the few months of telogen, the growing stops, and the hair detaches from the follicle. A new hair begins the anagen phase. A person dealing with the effects of GH deficiency may not have a new hair ready to take the place of one that falls out, or the new shafts will become thinner. Melanin, which is created by pigment cells, may also decline, causing a loss of color and the appearance of graying. HGH therapy will strengthen hair. Some people notice that their locks grow in thicker and fuller while others see some new regrowth. In some cases, color returns after approximately six months of treatment.

Learn How to Get Tested for Low Growth Hormone Levels if You Notice Reasons for HGH Therapy

Although quite a number of reasons have already been listed that point to the need for HGH therapy, there are even more that point to signs that testing is needed. A person looking to find out how to get tested for growth hormone deficiency may also be experiencing depression, feelings of isolation, mood swings, hot and cold sensitivity, and problems with immune system functions. By contacting a doctor that prescribes HGH injections, the necessary blood testing and physical examination can be arranged. These steps, along with the completion of a medical history questionnaire, are crucial before the diagnosis of low GH levels can be made. This can easily become a scary time for some individuals as the symptoms mentioned on this page can lead to apprehension over the state of health and well-being for the future. No one wants to lose their independence and asking how do I get prescribed growth hormone is the best place to start. It is always best to contact a specialist in this field as these are the professionals best equipped to diagnose and treat this condition. Most people report that their quality of life is significantly reduced as a result of the changes that have taken place in their bodies. Workplace productivity and drive are often affected. Home life can become miserable for a person who has little to no energy left at the end of the day. Children do not understand why a parent is tired or moody. A spouse may confuse the lack of desire for infidelity. All of these issues can lead to further discord in an already unsettled arena. Learning how to get tested for a GH deficiency can make all the difference in the world. It can safeguard and even promote a career, restore harmony in a relationship, and help make meaningful memories with the young ones in your life. Best of all, it can restore a positive vision and outlook for the future. One that is free of joint pain and weakness and teeming with energy and stamina. Kingsberg HRT Clinic is one of this country’s premier hormone replacement centers. Our doctors are well-respected experts in the field of HGH therapy. If you believe that this decline may be present in your life, it could very well be time to take action. Contacting our clinic is the first move to make. For added convenience, we have included an easy to fill out contact form on this page. We can also be reached by telephone during regular business hours. In order to learn how to get growth hormone prescribed, simply contact us today. One call is all it takes to get started.